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This study was conducted to determine if correlations exist between the numbers of microscopic follicles comprising ovarian follicular reserve (OFR) and antral follicle counts (AFCs), and to assess the usefulness of computerized analyses of ovarian ultrasonograms and magnetic resonance (MR) images for estimating OFR in excised porcine, ovine and bovine ovaries. As a pre-requisite to these analyses, we characterized and compared ovarian cortical histomorhpology and follicle populations in the three species varying in prolificacy and overall reproductive longevity, and hence the total number of microscopic and antral follicles. Ultrasonographic and MR images were obtained at the scanner settings optimized to provide opposing contrasts between antral follicles and the ovarian stroma. Commercially available ImageProPlus® analytical software was used to calculate numerical pixel values (NPVs) and pixel heterogeneity (standard deviation of the pixel values) along the computer-generated lines (4–6) placed in the area corresponding to the ovarian cortex. The numbers of primordial (r = 0.38, P < 0.01) and intermediate follicles (r = 0.37, P < 0.01) were correlated with the numbers of antral follicles in bovine ovarian sections. The numbers of primordial (r = 0.28, P < 0.05), intermediate (r = 0.31, P < 0.01) and primary follicles (r = 0.27, P < 0.05) correlated directly with mean NPVs of the ultrasonographic ovarian images in cattle. There was a negative correlation between primary follicle numbers and NPVs of MR images (3D FAST-SPOILED GRADIENT ECHO) of the porcine ovarian cortex (r = −0.31, P < 0.05). To summarize, the numbers of primordial and intermediate follicles could only be estimated from AFCs in cows. Using ultrasound NPVs, the numbers of primordial, intermediate and primary follicles could be directly estimated in bovine ovaries and the quantitative image attributes of MR images were useful for quantifying porcine primary follicles. The bovine ovarian model is compatible with human situation and hence future studies should be undertaken to ascertain the usefulness of AFCs and ultrasonographic image analyses for estimating OFR in women.  相似文献   
Digital dermatitis is an inflammation of uncertain aetiology in the skin of the foot of cattle. In 2005, a novel microorganism, Guggenheimella bovis, was isolated from the advancing front of digital dermatitis lesions, suggesting a possible role in pathogenesis. In the present study, tissue samples of 20 affected cows were examined by quantitative PCR for G. bovis, treponemes and the total eubacterial load. High numbers of eubacteria and treponemes were found in most lesions, whereas only a few lesions contained Guggenheimella, and only at low concentrations. The results argue against the relevance of G. bovis in the aetiology of digital dermatitis in cattle, but are consistent with a role for treponemes.  相似文献   
数字化博物馆是博物馆现代化的一个重要标志。国外博物馆从20世纪90年代就开始进行数字化建设,国内的博物馆数字化建设起步较晚,同国外的先进技术相比还有一定的差距,但发展较快。目前,国内外已有的昆虫数字化博物馆各具特色,有以展示昆虫图片为主的,有以介绍昆虫知识为主的,也有以营利为目的的,但仍有不少需要改进的地方。为了满足中小学生的求知欲和探索欲,适应他们喜欢自己动手操作和活泼好动的性格,昆虫数字化博物馆网站建设在技术上应采用J2EE三层体系结构,采用动态网站内容管理与发布系统构建的后台管理系统,将昆虫数字化博物馆分成后台管理和前台展示与交互两部分,从而实现网站内容与表现形式的分离,加快网页更新的速度。在数据库建设上,应采用功能强大的数据库软件,以满足大量图片、声音、动画、视频等多种类型的数据库的有效存储和高效的检索功能。在网站的内容上应有实体展厅的数字化、昆虫学术交流与知识集锦、中小学生互动教育等板块。在网站的后期维护上应做到由全社会的昆虫爱好者共同维护和管理。  相似文献   
朱晓艳  韩苗  韩天富  韩峥  王钢 《微生物学报》2022,62(8):3124-3136
【目的】环境中无处不在的气-液界面能够影响细菌的运动和养分的传输扩散,进而调控微生物的种群互作和群落结构。因此,系统地认知微生物在微观界面的运动特征对于理解和解析微生物多样性的产生、维持机制以及生态功能至关重要。【方法】本文基于微流体显微系统(超高速荧光显微镜和数字全息显微镜),以具备主动运动能力的模式菌株铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosaPAO1)为研究对象,观测并解析了细菌细胞在气-液界面的二维运动特征和气-液-固界面的二维与三维运动特征。【结果】PAO1既能在气-液界面处执行近似直线轨迹的运动,也能在气-液界面下方执行顺时针或逆时针旋转的圆周运动(最小曲率半径Rmin=3μm)。在气-液-固界面处,6.45%的不运动细胞聚集于气-液-固界面边缘处,并在该处完成不可逆附着;同时,游动细胞由于受到液滴内部毛细管流和马兰戈尼(Marangoni)涡流运动的综合作用,直线游动至距界面约40μm内的区域后,其运动轨迹转变为垂直界面方向返回或以近似界面平行方向运动并附着,这些行为显著调节了PAO1的空间分布,促使了其朝向气-液-固界面的迁移,表明个体PAO1的鞭毛在此...  相似文献   
目的 对比研究我国与典型发达国家的数字化医疗技术,指导建立我国数字化医疗技术体系框架。方法 调研欧美发达国家和我国的数字化医疗现状和发展趋势,对数字化医疗所涉及的工程技术进行研究。结果 欧美发达国家已经建立了符合本国卫生政策的国家级数字化医疗工程项目,并开展了技术支撑研究。结论 我国医院信息化发展迅速,但是缺乏顶层统筹设计,技术支撑滞后,需要建立我国数字化医疗技术体系基本框架,以期对各地卫生信息化建设相关工作起到指导作用。  相似文献   
Natural cooperative systems take many forms, ranging from one‐dimensional cyanobacteria arrays to fractal‐like biofilms. We use in silico experimental systems to study a previously overlooked factor in the evolution of cooperation, physical shape of the population. We compare the emergence and maintenance of cooperation in populations of digital organisms that inhabit bulky (100 × 100 cells) or slender (4 × 2500) toroidal grids. Although more isolated subpopulations of secretors in a slender population could be expected to favor cooperation, we find the opposite: secretion evolves to higher levels in bulky populations. We identify the mechanistic explanation for the shape effect by analyzing the lifecycle and dynamics of cooperator patches, from their emergence and growth, to invasion by noncooperators and extinction. Because they are constrained by the population shape, the cooperator patches expand less in slender than in bulky populations, leading to fewer cooperators, less public good secretion, and generally lower cooperation. The patch dynamics and mechanisms of shape effect are robust across several digital cooperation systems and independent of the underlying basis for cooperation (public good secretion or a cooperation game). Our results urge for a greater consideration of population shape in the study of the evolution of cooperation across experimental and modeling systems.  相似文献   
The recently completed Odonata database for California consists of specimen records from the major entomology collections of the state, large Odonata collections outside of the state, previous literature, historical and recent field surveys, and from enthusiast group observations. The database includes 32,025 total records and 19,000 unique records for 106 species of dragonflies and damselflies, with records spanning 1879–2013. Records have been geographically referenced using the point-radius method to assign coordinates and an uncertainty radius to specimen locations. In addition to describing techniques used in data acquisition, georeferencing, and quality control, we present assessments of the temporal, spatial, and taxonomic distribution of records. We use this information to identify biases in the data, and to determine changes in species prevalence, latitudinal ranges, and elevation ranges when comparing records before 1976 and after 1979. The average latitude of where records occurred increased by 78 km over these time periods. While average elevation did not change significantly, the average minimum elevation across species declined by 108 m. Odonata distribution may be generally shifting northwards as temperature warms and to lower minimum elevations in response to increased summer water availability in low-elevation agricultural regions. The unexpected decline in elevation may also be partially the result of bias in recent collections towards centers of human population, which tend to occur at lower elevations. This study emphasizes the need to address temporal, spatial, and taxonomic biases in museum and observational records in order to produce reliable conclusions from such data.  相似文献   
森林经营决策支持系统的设计与实现及在采伐中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国传统的森林经营方式比较落后,数字化水平不高,决策过程比较盲目.在地理信息系统平台中集成森林动态模型,建立森林经营决策支持系统,可以充分发挥地理信息系统的可视化、空间分析以及模型模拟预测功能,加强处理森林在较大时空尺度上的动态变化的能力.本文设计并实现了森林生长率模型、景观采伐模型和矩阵模型,开发了森林经营决策支持系统,回答森林采伐经营中“采多少,采哪里,怎么采”的三个主要问题,在长白山区的露水河林业局和三岔子林业局进行应用,为提高我国森林可持续经营管理的数字化水平提供了技术支持.  相似文献   
目的:探讨不同乳腺分型(Ⅰ型(脂肪型)、Ⅱ型(致密型)、Ⅲ型(中间型)、Ⅳ型(导管型))、不同乳腺厚度与全数字化乳腺X射线摄影曝光条件(kV、mms)、平均腺体剂量(mGy)之间的关系。方法:回顾性分析2009年9月-2010年6月间采用德国Siemens公司MAMMOMAT Novation DR全数字化乳腺摄影系统、自动曝光控制模式下摄影所获得的2000例头尾位和内外侧斜位乳腺片,分析7840幅Ⅰ级乳腺照片中不同乳腺分型、不同乳腺厚度的曝光条件、平均腺体剂量,以研究乳腺分型及乳腺厚度与全数字化乳腺X线摄影曝光条件及平均腺体剂量的关系。结果:当乳腺厚度相同时,Ⅱ型(致密型)乳腺的曝光条件及平均腺体剂量最大,Ⅳ型(导管型)次之,Ⅲ型(中间型)再次之,Ⅰ型(脂肪型)乳腺的曝光条件及平均腺体剂量最小。无论何种乳腺分型,随着乳腺厚度的增加,全数字化乳腺X射线摄影曝光条件及平均腺体剂量随之增加。结论:乳腺分型及乳腺厚度与全数字化乳腺X射线摄影曝光条件及平均腺体剂量关系密切,乳腺腺体组织越致密、厚度越厚,其曝光条件及平均腺体剂量就越大。  相似文献   
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